Thankfully fitness technology has become a bit more...compact.

Christmas is over. Now it’s time to either shave off that pecan pie fat, or re-buy all your pants. If the first sounds more practical, here’s a list of tech-savvy fitness tips to get that belly back under control in 2010.

1.     Fitness Blogs

That’s right, the Internet. Ironically enough, the online network that keeps you sitting on your pudgy butt all day can actually help you lose weight. Sites like DailyBurn and Livestrong have a myriad of tools to help you set weight loss goals, and track your progress. User friendly interface and features like nutrition logs and exercise databases make it hard to come up with an excuse for lackadaisical behavior. There are even ways to invite friends as ‘motivators’ providing you with a teammate to check on your stats and give you a hard time if you aren’t delivering.

2.     Nike+/Ipod

I know it’s old news to most, but when it comes to fitness, music still holds as one of the greatest motivators. (Just put on some Daft Punk and try not to move around). That’s why Nike+ is a sick way to approach your revamped fitness routine. Podcasts, soundtracks and other Mp3s focused on fitness put a personal trainer in your ear. But combine your iPod with Nike+ for a greater experience. Not only does the combo let you track your run while pumping jams, it can be programmed to blast high intensity beats when you need a boost.

3.     PumpOne Mobile Training

We’ve come a long way from Taibo on VHS – a good thing too. Instead of shadow boxing with Billy Blanks in your living room, you can have hundreds of different workout programs downloaded, uploaded to your Mp3 player and taken anywhere. PumpOne delivers workout plans from cardio intervals to kettle bell training all at the touch of an iPod or iPhone (yeah iPod makes the list twice; let’s see you come up with a better hand-held media player).

4.     Somnio Running Shoes

These are customizable running shoes that are built around each runner’s personal style and stride. They were recently named Best of Adventure Gear in Nat Geo’s Adventure Magazine, and featured on The Doctors television show. Interchangeable insoles make it easy to adjust for varying pronation and support needs. Quit whining that your feet hurt and get out there!

5.     Internet Scales

The problem with recording your weight online is you might be tempted to doctor the results up a bit (looking at you ladies). With an internet scale, your weight and other stats are sent over wifi, and can be linked directly to your fitness blog or other place of safekeeping. Check out the ones by Withings and BodyTrace.

That should get you started for 2010. Here’s to hoping you’ll stick with that fitness resolution and won’t have to recycle it come 2011.

Have a tech tool that gets your blood pumping? Let us know by dropping a comment.