Use the power of the crowd to find awesome food in Boston!
MANY RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Use the power of the crowd to find awesome food in Boston!

Have you ever found yourself wandering the streets for hours trying to find good, reasonably priced food? Tried to break from the ‘usual place’ only to wuss out and settle for the security of a boring chain restaurant?

Well quit it! There are plenty of awesome, unique places to eat around Boston that don’t clean out your wallet. It used to be hard to find them, but thanks to the good ol’ Interweb, you’ll have plenty of new places to choose from after this post. Read on and get a taste (pun unintentional but welcomed) of some Boston-based food and restaurant blogs.

Along with having the coolest blog name I’ve seen in a while (that’s why it’s listed first), Eat and Destroy packs a solid Boston area food database focused on quality eats at college kid prices. The frugal author has covered restaurants as far as New Hampshire and like me, loves finding that place with incredible burritos for under eight bucks. Updates might not be frequent, but the posts already compiled are pretty well categorized.

Man these guys sure know how to name blogs. The food monkey is the self proclaimed “premier Boston food blog that will eat no evil” – definitely reassuring. It’s probably the most versatile of Boston food blogs, providing original recipes, restaurant reviews and great content. Food monkey shines in its thorough and unfaltering reports of local Boston food deals and events. If you’re into bar food, you’ve got to check out their map guide to the best Boston bar deals.

How can you resist that URL? As implied, hidden Boston is your guide to solid Boston eats you may have never found otherwise. You don’t have to pass through a waterfall or learn a handshake to get into these places, but hidden Boston will list you some dark horse joints that serve up taste bud love for cheap.

The Globe provides an extensive Boston restaurant guide in the lifestyle section of the website. From there you can browse hundreds of restaurants by area, food type and PRICE (are we seeing a pattern here?)  They also have a list of recipes if you feel like putting in the effort, and their food blog, Dishing, is a good read with pictures to get you drooling.

If all else fails you can’t go wrong with Foodler. It’s not a blog, but a web-based ordering system with the power to summon up nearly every takeout menu in both Boston and Cambridge (not to mention NY, DC, Chicago, Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Baltimore). Foodler has been around since ’05 but it seems I’m always explaining it to someone new. Just create an account, sync up a credit card number and you can peruse and order thousands of takeout options. It features price ratings, quality ratings, and tons of opportunity for discounts so you can find the best, cheapest takeout. Quick and painless, Foodler will get you some Pad Thai before the DVD previews finish.

What’s your favorite way to find Boston chow stations? Leave us a comment to let us know.