The Professional Wingman is running late.

Thomas Edwards claims to be a man who can seamlessly organize your lifestyle development and ensure that you can get “the best bang for your buck,” but it seems that the traffic is something that he can’t control. To be fair, Mr. Edwards does communicate his anticipated arrival time through a series of short text messages that ensure that I am not just sitting in the Back Bay Hotel waiting aimlessly for two hours. It also means that I know I have not been stood up.

Since meeting him at a DartBoston Pokin’ Holes event, I have been consumed with curiosity as to what exactly he does, and I must confess the whole idea of a lifestyle and dating consultant is something I’m uncertain about. It strikes me as the kind of venture that would only work theoretically in a moderately successful Hollywood Rom-Com, Possibly starring Will Smith.

When Thomas does appear, he apologizes for keeping me waiting and, after removing his mirrored shades, suggests that we grab a quick beverage to “take the edge off.” Never one to turn down the chance to chat with a pint in my hand, the offer is accepted and we settle down in the comfy chairs so that he can explain why his brand of startup is exactly what the tech-savvy (but perhaps socially-uncomfortable) BostInnovation readership needs to be aware of.

Limiting the conversation to a healthy fifteen minutes, I will learn that Thomas, 24, has known heartache and pain, believes that we need to shift our focus from dating to social fulfillment, and provides his Wingman services not just to the guys but for the gals as well.

BostInnovation: Firstly, what is a lifestyle coach?

The Wingman: I provide dating and lifestyle strategy, the two of them go hand in hand

BostInno: Is there a strategy to dating?

The Wingman: Absolutely. It all depends on who you are as a person. I pride myself on being one of those coaches or strategists that can help a person based on who they are, what their history is and create a personalized strategy based upon their previous dating success.

BostInno: Dating as a strategy? Some would consider that to be slightly impersonal?

The Wingman: (Smiles) There is always a gameplan. People assume that dating just happens but it doesn’t. You have to put in a little bit of effort to make it happen for you, and if you don’t put that effort in then you aren’t going to be successful. To call it a strategy may seem out of place but it’s exactly what you do. You have a strategy for your education, for your career. Why not have a strategy for dating?

BostInno: Why not indeed, how long how have you been doing this?

The Wingman: I have been coaching for almost two years; the company has been in existence for just over a year.

BostInno: How did you make the decision to become a Lifestyle Coach?

The Wingman: That’s a bit of a mixed bag. I first got into personal development when I was at college (at Philadelphia University). It wasn’t that I was unhappy with who I was, I just wanted to improve myself. My big focus was on dating because I wasn’t having successful relationships. I had a girlfriend who cheated on me, another who dumped me because I was too needy. So I decided to improve my dating strategy that then overflowed into networking, studying, nutrition, fitness and being more personable.

BostInno: So it worked then?

The Wingman: I found a girlfriend, it was all going great and then I stopped trying. Basically, I wasn’t who I was when she first met me. So I was dumped again. I needed to hold myself accountable…so I started a blog (laughs at this). I thought that someone might read it and ask me questions.

BostInno: Which people obviously did, so the blog became…

The Wingman: It turned into an advice column, which led to me mentoring people and then it became a business. I have clients who tell me that the advice that I have given them is valuable, believe me if I could charge more for this service…I would!

BostInno: “This Service” relies on you being able to introduce clients to the opposite gender. What happens if you are out with a male Client and women don’t want to talk to them?

The Wingman: It hasn’t happened (crosses fingers). If that happens, then it’s a lost interaction. One of the great things about working with me is that I am always on your side, there’s never an ulterior motive. I am here to look out for you, make sure that you achieve social fulfillment.

BostInno: Some elements of the local media have called you Boston’s Hitch. Is that fair?

The Wingman: (Laughs) When I started the business I had never seen the movie. Seven months into it, I decided to watch it and went ‘wow, that’s exactly what I do!’, now it’s one of my favorite movies.

BostInno: What is your Unique Selling Point?

The Wingman: The Wingman is with you the whole time. I will provide unbiased opinions and feedback that will turn your life around.

BostInno: And certain people need to have their lives turned around?

The Wingman: People define their success by who they are with, how much money they have, that’s not necessarily true. You can lead a life of total wealth and not be satisfied. It’s important to lead a life that you are happy with, that you’re having fun with and that you can control on your own terms.

BostInno: Are you a Motivator or an Aspirational Guide?

The Wingman: I install confidence (in clients), that’s my value product. Put it this way, out of the 100 clients that I have worked with, over 50% are now in relationships.

BostInno: What’s next for the Wingman?

The Wingman: Wingman University. It launched on May 10th but it is under the radar at the moment and nobody really knows about it yet. But it is available! I book accommodation (for up to ten clients) at the Hyatt, arrange VIP entry to clubs and ensure that the client doesn’t have to worry about exterior distractions. They can then focus on character development, which is sometimes all they need.

With that, Thomas checks his phone for a text message and informs me that he needs to meet a client to take him to a singles networking event in Allston. The client is “involved in the mobile industry, but doesn’t go out a lot” and has employed the Wingman to help him develop his social interaction strategy. It sounds like Thomas has a full evening ahead, and he leaves as smoothly as he arrived.

As for this happily married man, I am content to just head home for an evening of sushi and movies. After all, my wife is not away that often and it’s nice to have the couch to myself.