In the modern realtime world, no one has time for sifting through page after page of coupons before heading to the grocery store. (And why should you spend an hour to save a few bucks anyway?) Quincy, Mass.-based Modiv Media have found a way to help you save money without wasting time by developing a digital system to assist in your grocery shopping experience.

Modiv Shopper is Modiv’s main program that is currently being used for 1 million shopping trips each month. As Director of Product Management Matt Volpi told me, “Modiv Shopper gives customers more control over their shopping experience, from bagging as they go to getting a running total as well as bypassing long lines at checkout.”

All this is done with a handheld device made my Motorola that is 2 ˝ inches tall and 1 ľ inches wide. The hardware weighs just 9.5 ounces, and features a thumb-oriented navigation screen. These revolutionary handheld devices can be used throughout the store, and are linked to individual kiosks that can be placed in multiple locations in store.

Not only does Modiv Shopper change the game for shoppers in terms of the actual shopping experience, but according to Volpi, it also allows agencies to target “specific shoppers with tailored messages and discounts.”

Modiv has extended their offering to the deli as well, where they have created Modiv DeliVision, which measures deli efficiencies and the customer experience — two things that have long been difficult for grocery stores to track.

DeliVision benefits the stores as well as their customers. It allows for web-based ordering, meaning customers do not have to wait in line to order, nor need they take one of those antequated tickets. The product also allows grocery stores to track how many people may have left as a result of excessively long lines. According to the Modiv Media site, this service can increase the number of visits to the deli counter by nearly 6% each week.

While there are strong benefits for shoppers who want to find the best deals and track their budgets, marketers are serious winners with Modiv’s services as well.

“Advertisers that utilize the Modiv Shopper solution can see redemption rates, incremental sales, and sustained sales lift,” said Volpi.

Tracking grocery store behavior has always been an imprecise science, but Modiv MediaHub provides strong analytics and extensive campaign options that provide customers with “a unique impression at the ‘moment of decision,’” Volpi explained.

Modiv MediaHub uses both Modiv Shopper and DeliVision to create actionable and trackable campaigns that include time- and location-based promotional offers based on consumers’ past habits and scheduling windows, and deploy a wide variety of analytics for shopping habits post purchase.

Modiv Media was recently recognized as a leader in the Marketing and Consumer Relationship technologies at the MITX Tech Awards, and the company provides more then 10 million electronic coupons per month to customers in Stop and Shop, Giant, Ukrop’s, Giant Eagle and Roche Bros stores.

Do you live by one of these stores? Check out Modiv Media’s products. Have you used them in the past? Let us know about your experience in the comments section below!  

To learn more about Modiv Media, follow them on Twitter.

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