Intrigued by Alexis’ Q&A last week with entrepreneur and organizer Jeanne Dasaro, I stopped by Mantra for the Wonder Women of Boston event last night. I was simply overwhelmed with all the energy in the room, starting with donations at the door to Project Have Hope, an organization that works with women entrepreneurs in Uganda, and ending with lots of networking.

I welcomed the opportunity to meet women in fields from financial services to non-profit to (of course) other women entrepreneurs – and from companies large and small alike. By all accounts, Wonder Women of Boston was a true mixer that both helped build stronger ties among the exceptional women of Boston as well as bridged some of the startup community with the greater Boston business world.

Check out the photos below, and keep an eye out for Wonder Women of Boston’s next event:

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What did you think of the event last night? What do you hope to get out of the next Wonder Women of Boston event?