Yesterday, was the second ever QUEST For Innovation in Kendall Square. The QUEST brought out startupers, VCs, and creatives alike to Kendall Sq. for a massive geo-location game. The event was organized by Michael Gaiss, Senior VP at Highland Capital Partners — a local VC firm — and Seth Priebatsch, CEO and “Chief Ninja” at local startup SCVNGR.

After the Trek all of the participants gathered in SCVNGR HQ to find out the winning team and enjoy some fine Red Bones catering and Sam Adams Oktoberfest. A special grant from the Awesome Foundation was also awarded last night. Even though there was only one winner, I think everyone found some innovation along the way.

This was my first time at SCVNGR HQ and it sure is impressive. From moving walls and scooters to a large orange colored tiger (perhaps a shot at Princeton, where Seth dropped out) the space surely epitomizes a west coast startup office.

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