We’re big fans of what Performable is up to in the new marketing world, and had the opportunity to interview their founder David Cancel a month ago about the software. Last fall we included the company in a post around 5 Boston tech companies looking to score big in the new marketing game. In that post we spoke to how Performable’s plans for integration with third party service providers helps set the product apart.

In that vein, today, email marketing software provider MailChimp and Performable have announced teaming up. We use and love MailChimp, and couldn’t resist the opportunity to highlight the integration. Performable’s lifecycle marketing software tracks visitors to your site and what they do while there (you can think of it almost as a glorified Google Analytics in this sense), and then allows you to set rules around how best to direct marketing at these particular visitors based on their behavior. Integration with MailChimp means the rules you set can be parlayed with your email marketing campaigns, scheduling to send, for example, a follow-up email X days later to visitors to your site who put items in their shopping cart but don’t necessarily check-out.

This integration announcement comes just weeks after Performable’s office warming party in Cambridge, and judging by the announcement, it looks like they’ve gotten themselves well settled in already. Make sure you check out the great post on MailChimp’s blog to learn more (includes screen shots) by clicking the link above. The author kicks off the post by stating:

“Sometimes at MailChimp, we have ideas for features or new products, and we almost do them. Then for some reason we don’t. Then, we see someone else do it, and they do it waaaaaaaaay better than we would have. Then they integrate with our API. That’s when we say “Wow, we really lucked out there.” Like Lifecycle Marketing. Which is best left to companies like Performable, who just announced a new integration with MailChimp that lets you do some really amazing things.”