Looking to get your job search on this spring? Monster.com wants to make sure you know they have you covered no matter what device you are on, with apps and extensions to give you more flexibility and convenience when job searching.

Earlier this year we covered their iPad app launch with an interview with their head of communications and today the company issued a release re-emphasizing its foray into apps (they also have an iPhone and iPod touch app) as well as pointing to their new Google Chrome extension which just recently hit the Chrome store.

Monster’s new extension for the Google Chrome browser automatically checks for jobs (posted on Monster) based on the URL structure of the website you are currently on. For example, if you are on BankofAmerica.com, the extension will automatically check for job openings at Bank of America and display (up to 99) in a sidebar. By clicking on these, you can view those job openings and even apply without navigating away from the site.

This is another example of Monster.com focusing on the passive nature of the job search: now you can browse the web and be notified of jobs. From the release: “Influenced by recent trends in social and mobile, job seekers are changing the way they engage online. Monster is continuously evaluating these trends and adapting our products and services to serve job seekers and, by doing so, extending the reach to our employer customers,” said Vasu Nagalingam, Senior Product Director for consumer platforms at Monster Worldwide.

Has anyone tried the extension? Does it include filtering based on the job position of interest you have identified on your Monster.com account? Let us know in the comments!