Defined by innovation and an undercurrent of rich history, from our leading companies and cutting edge startups to our government and top tier colleges, Boston inspires. This photo series aims to capture it. Enjoy!

Did you watch the Royal Wedding as you got ready for work this morning? Well over 1 billion people were expected to tune in! Even Google is giving tribute to the couple, boasting a fun logo on as well as a bride and groom as the figurine on the map in its street view. Aside from Kate’s dress, the Royal Horses & Carriages were arguably the most spectacular part of the ceremony. Boston has its own version of these horse drawn carriages. As pictured, these carriages are usually stationed in an alley behind Faneuil Hall before they make their rounds around downtown Boston. This wonderful photo was taken by Maggie Cassidy (@magcassidy). A precursor to the automobile, have you taken in a new (old feel) perspective of Boston on a ride in one of these carriages?

Snap an inspiring photo you think is feature worthy? Send us a note!