Chief Executive magazine surveyed 550 CEOs across the nation in their seventh annual ranking of the best and worst states to do business in. Massachusetts, as no surprise, came in very low on the list (again) at No. 45. On a positive note, this is one slot up from a ranking of No. 46 in both 2009 and 2010.

“Today’s ‘soak the rich’ mentality hits business leaders especially hard,” says Marshall Cooper, CEO of Chief Executive magazine and “CEOs and entrepreneurs vote with their feet — and also pack up jobs and investment with them when they leave.”

While our workforce quality is ranked high in Massachusetts (four out of five stars), taxation and regulations seem to have killed our ranking (two out of five stars). A not so fun fact: Massachusetts ranks 1st this year in state debt per capita at $11,357. As for quality of life, Massachusetts was ranked three stars out of five thanks to our hospitals and schools.

“Today’s ‘soak the rich’ mentality hits business leaders especially hard,” says Marshall Cooper, CEO of Chief Executive magazine. “CEOs and entrepreneurs vote with their feet — and also pack up jobs and investment with them when they leave.”

Here are the top 5 best and worst states for business, starting with the best:

  • Texas #1
  • North Carolina #2
  • Florida #3
  • Tennessee #4
  • Georgia #5

The top 5 worst:

  • California #50
  • New York #49
  • Illinois #48
  • New Jersey #47
  • Michigan #46

For complete results, which also includes an interactive map and more information around methodology, visit