Coming off from news last week that it has officially closed a $25 million financing round, Cambridge based Jumptap is looking to content to help market its mobile ad targeting technology. Today the company announced a new report they will issue monthly called STAT: Simple Targeting & Audience Trends.

STAT features audience insights and trends pulled from Jumptap’s ad network data. The company analyzed 10 billion ad requests made to their network by 83 million unique users, which represents hundreds of gigabites worth of data. The inaugural issue is filled with findings around how people are using their phones to consume content as well as device and demographic information around who is most apt to engage with mobile ads. Here are some of the most striking findings:

Despite app hype, people spend more time engaging from their mobile browsers.

Jumptap reports that 58% of mobile internet users receive their content through their browser, while 42% receive their content through ad-supported apps. Jumptap also reports that people are 39% more likely to engage with ads from their web browser than from within apps. When looking at device specific mobile ad reach, Android stands out: 47% of ad requests from apps and 49% of ad requests from the mobile web come from Android devices.

When it comes to mobile ads, Android has the greatest reach and iOS the greatest engagement.

As mentioned above, Android holds the largest share of ad requests in the Jumptap network (39 percent of overall requests to be exact). iOS and Blackberry devices are close behind at 30% and 25% of requests, respectively. When looking at click through rates on ads, however, iOS owners are most apt to click on through – almost double that of Android owners.

Affluent, older men are most likely to engage with ads.

People who earn over $50,000 a year are more than twice as likely to click on mobile ads than those below that income level. Those with less than $50k in income have a .37% CTR (click through rate) as compared to .83% for those over $50k. These CTRs trend upwards with age, with older individuals nearly five times as likely to engage than younger consumers. As for gender, while Jumptap’s network reaches an equal amount of women and men, men click through ads 62% more often.

In an email to BostInno with a press release around this inaugural issue of STAT, Jumptap CMO Paran Johar offered,

“Our findings reinforce the premise that the mobile ad experience is clearly differentiated from that of the PC web. Advertisers are starting to embrace the possibilities of this very personalized, engaging medium and adjusting their campaign strategies and ad spending accordingly. Anecdotally we’re seeing that brands are shifting more campaigns to mobile because they are getting better direct ROI, engagement and recall across all types of product categories.”

We look forward to sharing data from STAT reports moving forward.