Cambridge based Jumptap has released its second MobileSTAT (Simple Targeting & Audience Trends) report. It features insights and trends pulled from the company’s mobile ad network data in May, one that reaches 83 million consumers and included 11 billion ad requests. Overall compared to their prior month’s data, click throughs on mobile ads increased 5% within the Jumptap network. Below are some other interesting data points from the report, including audience trends by mobile operating system, ad placement (app vs. web), and demographics.

Android represents the highest market share in Jumptap’s network with a 42% share, up slightly from 39% in April. iOS has the second highest share at 30%.

iPhone and iPad users are more likely to click on ads than those using devices on other operating systems. Ads run on iOS have nearly double the click through rates (CTR) than those on Android devices, at .72% and .41% respectively.

As for from where these people are clicking on ads, overall 43% do so through an app and 57% through their mobile browser. Most ad click throughs on apps come from Android and iPhone users, while feature phones drive the majority of web based click throughs.

Jumptap shared more mobile audience trends, breaking activity in their network down by age, income and gender:

  • Age: Middle-aged users have the highest click through rates than any other age group
  • Income: Those with incomes of $50k+ are most likely to click on an ad than those under that income threshold
  • Gender: Men are more likely to click on mobile ads, with a .5% rate vs. a .31% click through rate for women

The Jumptap MobileSTAT report features a slew of other data, including performance focused mobile ad campaigns — like that 34% of performance based mobile ad campaigns are set to initiate a call or download vs. directing a user to a site or webpage. You can download and view the report in full here. In the press release around the report, Jumptap CMO Paran Johar remarked,

“Mobile, like PC web-based advertising, is very measureable. As such, many brands and app developers are measuring their ROI very closely and allowing consumers to respond to ads in varying ways including click to call, click to map, click to download or click to SMS. Jumptap’s latest MobileSTAT report showcases that an increasing number of campaigns are now creating consumer actions, rather than just simply sending them to a mobile Web site, which is redefining  consumer engagement.”

What interests you most about the data? Let us know in the comments!