Woburn based LogMeIn (Nasdaq:LOGM) has just announced that it has acquired London based Pachube and substantially all other assets of Connected Environments Ltd for $15 million in cash. Pachube (pronounced “Patch Bay”) is a web based service for connecting people and devices to a The Internet of Things – a network of sensor enabled devices that publish and share data.

“We believe the volume of devices coming online and the amount of data they will generate will dwarf the Internet as we know it today,” said Michael Simon, CEO of LogMeIn. “This investment extends our Gravity platform for scalable, secure connectivity and storage into the universe of smart and embedded devices and the complex systems that the Internet of Things makes possible. The Pachube team has a deep understanding of the technical challenges and opportunities that this phenomenon represents, and we believe they’ve built a service that will change the way people interact with their devices, their environment and each other.”

This acquisition furthers LogMeIn’s investment in highly scalable connectivity and data sharing platforms, and extends its reach beyond computers, smartphones and tablets to potentially all Internet-connectable devices.

LogMeIn’s current suite of products and services allow professionals to connect on the go to any internet enabled device. The cloud based remote control access includes file sharing, system management, data backup, business collaboration and on-demand customer support.