The education market is ripe for disruption. From the absurd continued rising of college tuition, opencourseware movements, textbooks going digital and improved collaboration between teachers this market presents a huge opportunity for startups. A few Boston based startups are already on the way. The lastest, BetterLesson, has just raised $1.6 million in funding from Highland Capital Partners, General Catalyst, New Markets Ventures, and NewSchools Venture Fund — as well as angel investors like Steve Kaufer of Trip Advisor, Matt Greenfield of Stonework Capital, and Shawn and Jennifer Carolan of Menlo Ventures, NewSchools Venture Fund, and more.

Through BetterLesson, teachers can access a broad selection of presentations, documents and full courses that will help them prepare a lesson plan and also connect them to high-performance educators from around the world. BetterLesson is a place where educators can find and share what works.

As it stands today teachers are writing their lesson plans every single night. Those lesson plans only have a shelf life of a day before getting lost in filing cabinets forever. There is currently no platform for educators to connect and share their lesson plans or improve their lives by learning from one another. And BetterLesson is already on the way.

The team has already built a community of tens of thousands of educators from across the world and collected hundreds of thousands of K-12 resources from many of the highest-performing teachers. They have already acquired paying customers – not an easy feat. for a 12 month old startup – that include a dozen school networks (with over 200 paying schools), including Uncommon SchoolsRocketship Public SchoolsAchievement First and Friendship Public Charter Schools.

This new funding will go towards building their team and continually improving their platform. Check out the video below to learn more about BetterLesson.

An Introduction to BetterLesson from BetterLesson on Vimeo.