Image via New York Post

Four New York High School students have been suspended for “Tebowing” – what we used to call dropping down to one knee – in the middle of their school’s hallway, reports the New York Post.

Tim Tebow, the quarterback for the Denver Broncos, has gained a lot of attention in the past six weeks, in which he’s led his team to a 6-0 record after a 2-5 start, boosting the Broncos into first place in the atrocious AFC West. He’s also gained a lot of attention because, frankly, he has the ugliest throwing motion that anyone’s ever seen and is a much more accomplished rusher than he is passer.

Tebowing – the act of dropping to one knee in prayer or adoration – is something that Tebow does each time he scores, and since he’s scored seven touchdowns during the run, it’s sort of caught on, just like planking did earlier in the year.

School administrators say that the students weren’t suspended for making a religious demonstration, but rather, were suspended because their Tebowing – which they say was a tribute to the man, not the movement – was taking up too much space in the hall.

Jordan Fulcoly and Wayne Drexel aren’t being required to serve their suspensions because they weren’t recipients of a warning, but twin brothers Tyler and Connor Carroll are being forced to miss a day of school because they’d been warned not to duplicate the act after doing it earlier in the week.

According to the Post, the act had been going on throughout the week, with as many as 40 students participating at once by the end of the week.

“This is not about religious discrimination,” said Riverhead School District Superintendent Nancy Carney. “It is about being sure kids are able to get to class on time and keeping the kids safe and orderly.”

But the kids, as kids usually do, seemed to disagree.

“It was basically just a tribute to Tim Tebow,” Carroll Connor, 17, who planned the prank with his brother and friends, told The Post.

“It was more than a religious thing. There was some of that involved obviously, because he prays. I guess it was basically like a moment of silence.

“I just don’t think it’s fair,” said Connor, a senior linebacker, of the school throwing the penalty flag.

“We were never given any warning. They said they did, but that’s completely false.”