Classless. Image via Megan Marrs

It’s just like the old saying goes: No good deed goes unnoticed and no asshole deed goes unpunished by the City of Boston. For Denver-based online pawn shop, Pawngo, that could mean a hefty $1000 fine for a ridiculously stupid publicity stunt in which they dropped off thousands of Butterfingers in Copley Square yesterday afternoon, mocking Wes Welker’s dropped catch during Sunday’s Super Bowl.

concerned citizen reported the candy bars as litter via the Citizens Connect mobile app, and the city closed the case yesterday afternoon, writing, “Code enforcement has tracked the company’s address and contacts; will be issuing violation for commercial dumping.” According to the City of Boston’s official Twitter account, illegal dumping is a $1,000 fine.

Bostonians weren’t going to take the stunt lying down though, especially after listening to Welker’s tearful words after the game, in which he said, “I’ve made that play 1,000 times. … It hit me right in the hands. I mean, it’s a play I never drop. Most critical situation and I let the team down.”

Yesterday evening, Pawngo sent out the following tweets regarding the Butterfingers:

[blackbirdpie url=”!/Pawngo/status/166998902787153920″]

[blackbirdpie url=”!/Pawngo/status/166999079090520065″]

[blackbirdpie url=”!/Pawngo/status/166999607279239168″]

But it was too little too late for Patriots nation, who took to Twitter, berating Pawngo’s weak attempt at a marketing campaign as “vile,” #Bushleague, #AmateurHour #PRfail, “anti-classy,” “shitty” and the like. Not wanting to get the same heat, Butterfinger distanced itself from Pawngo with the following tweet:

[blackbirdpie url=”!/Butterfinger/status/167051338595827712″]

Check out this Storify of enraged New Englanders below.

See ya never, Pawngo.