For stakeholders in the world of oncology, 2012 is shaping up as a monumental year. The movers, shakers, and difference-makers in this rapidly evolving field will soon be attending the 48th annual American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting in Chicago. The largest oncology gathering in the world, ASCO attracts a group of visionary professionals who choose to dedicate their lives to defeating cancer and ending its reign of destruction.

From June 1– 5, the ASCO Annual Meeting brings together more than 25,000 oncology professionals from across the globe representing a broad range of specialties. This year’s theme, Collaborating to Conquer Cancer, provides the ideal backdrop for practitioners to share ideas, explore advances, and network with leaders in the ever-evolving field of cancer research and treatment.

What’s New in 2012?  ASCO Highlights…

  • Three pre-Annual Meeting seminars targeting the advanced practice provider will take place on May 31st. Topics range from early-phase clinical trial development to new drugs and oncology care.
  • Core Education Sessions will explore current advances in science and clinical practice. For those attendees who pride themselves in staying on the cutting edge, these sessions definitely qualify for “can’t miss” status.
  • The first ever Industry Expert Theater will feature hour-long presentations from industry leaders sharing the latest in oncology practices, products, services and technologies. While you enjoy the presentations, ASCO will spring for the snacks!  When’s the last time that happened at the theater?
  • Connect with colleagues and expand your professional contact database at the new Networking Cafes strategically located throughout McCormick Place. While you’re connecting, take the opportunity to charge up your portable electronic devices with the complimentary power strips in each café location.
  • Out with the old, in with the new. Mobile Meeting gets an upgrade to Virtual Meeting; allowing ASCO attendees can get their sessions on the go. Featured sessions are offered in two format options via laptop or attendees can download the free iMeeting app for iPad or iPhone. There’s even a mobile friendly Virtual Meeting website for Android users.

What’s All the Buzz About? ASCO Must Attend Events

No, that’s not a swarm of bees coming your way. That buzz you hear is about the highly relevant and cutting edge activities offered at ASCO 2012. Getting excited about all the available conference events? Feeling slightly overwhelmed about all those events? Have no fear, the ePlanner tool is here.

Attendee Heather M. Hylton, MS, PA-C talks about the convenient ASCO ePlanner, “I would like to emphasize that I am starting to plan, as this is indeed an elaborate process. I have to say I do get quite a bit of mileage out of the ePlanner.” The e-planning tool provides attendees with an excellent resource for developing their ideal ASCO itinerary – all on their mobile device.

With so many sessions to choose from – all offering compelling content – it was difficult choosing just a few to share with our readers. Check out the InCrowd team picks:

Social Media in Oncology for Education and Patient Engagement – There’s so much buzz and controversy about social media in health care. Spend just five minutes on Twitter or a prominent medical news site and you’re bound to come across multiple references to this hot topic. *InCrowd team favorite

When Cancer Becomes Personal: The Physician’s View of Patient Care – This session provides insight from the other side of the stethoscope. When the doctor becomes the patient, the experience gained by walking in the proverbial shoes of the patient leads to valuable lessons that can improve patient care.

The ASCO Quality Oncology Practice Initiative and Beyond – With a Focus on strategies for integrating practice management with information technology, practitioners must adjust their perceptions of technology and medicine. There is a need to welcome the advantages and convenience technology offers the profession, while addressing and mitigating potential drawbacks.

Lessons Learned in Drug Development for Children with Cancer – Covering insights gained through developmental therapeutics and clinical trials in pediatric oncology, this presentation details how these lessons fit together to form the cornerstone of future advances in the field. Presenters will illustrate how the growing number of oral anti-cancer drugs represents a double-edged sword for children with cancer and offer potential options to remedy the situation.

The Oncologist, the Patient, and the Media – Presentations cover: why patients seek information on their own and how medicine can help; assisting journalists in gathering the best medical information; making time to address patient questions emerging from their Internet information searches. *InCrowd team favorite

As the ASCO Annual Meeting unfolds, we’ll share clinical insight and exclusive buzz as the InCrowd team covers the conference live. In the comment section below, let us know your areas of interest and the sessions you think are ‘buzz worthy’. We’ll be monitoring the comments and working to highlight findings and information relevant to the interests of our readers.