Editor’s Note: BostInno has officially launched its careers platform. To introduce the platform we are running a week long series about hiring in Boston authored by some of Boston’s finest. Hiring in the Hub will shine a light on what it’s like to actually grow your career here in Boston.

Boston is chock full of highly educated, highly skilled talent. And, while national unemployment remains high, finding and attracting technical talent is one of the biggest challenges plaguing companies in the Hub.  Competition is fierce and job seekers can afford to be picky.  It’s definitely a buyer’s market now that the economy has (hopefully) stepped off the ledge.  When I talk to local CEOs about hiring (which I do a lot because it’s part of my job), I hear all sorts of thoughts and frustrations and even some mythology.  Myths are always more interesting than musings, so let’s take a look at five of them.

1.       MYTH: Other companies are throwing the kitchen sink at candidates. You need to provide amazing perks to attract the best talent. 

Reality: According to data from theFIT (our Facebook app for job seekers), perks and benefits are among the least important factors in choosing to work somewhere. The most important factors? Quality of bosses, salary, and work-life balance. While some job seekers might be impressed with perks or “trick-out your cube” stipends, most people look beyond the clever gimmicks to the things that really matter. So, forget the MacBook Pro giveaways. If you want to attract great talent, get your managers some leadership training, you’ll get a lot more bang for the buck.

2.       MYTH: Tech giants like Amazon and Google are gobbling up the best talent in Boston.

Reality: While neither Amazon nor Google is hurting for talent, there are plenty of people that hate the idea of becoming employee number 33,078 at a massive organization. People relish the excitement and recognition that comes from working in a smaller environment. While big-name brands offer name recognition, stability and resources, it’s nearly impossible to stand out and be a star.

3.       MYTH: The most talented people in the city are all launching their own startups.

Reality: It’s true. There are a crazy number of seed-stage startups in Boston. This year alone the MassChallenge Accelerator Program received 1,237 applications. Founding and running a startup involves an enormous amount of stress and risk – both personal and financial. Entrepreneurial life is certainly not for everyone. In fact, the majority of folks prefer a steady paycheck and normal working hours to the uncertainties of startup life.

4.       MYTH: Unless you have a huge social media presence, your jobs won’t get attention on Twitter or Facebook.

Reality: There’s no correlation between the number of Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook connections you have and the number of applications your job postings will attract. According to research we conducted last year for Bullhorn Reach, successfully leveraging social recruiting is based on quality of interaction and content, not quantity of followers.  Size doesn’t matter.

5.       MYTH: We need to be more like _________.com – they’re really great at hiring.

Reality: Every company struggles with hiring, just like you. Every CEO I have ever met cites hiring great talent as one of their primary challenges. While some companies are featured in the media as spectacular “recruiting machines,” the reality is that simply telling the press that you’re great at hiring is great way to attract talent. It’s the power of good PR.

We all acknowledge that staffing is among the most important elements of running a successful business, but it is by far the most difficult to master. If you’re struggling to attract the right people to move your company forward, rest assured that you’re not alone.

Learn more about BostInno careers here!