If you’re still searching for an apartment before the looming September 1st deadline, Craigslist isn’t the place to go. You have to sift through hundreds of shady listings, only to be disappointed when half of them are off the market already or that third bedroom more closely resembles a closet.

Luckily, a new crop of apartment searching sites are popping up with the goal of easing the pain of Craigslist and putting you into a place you actually love. Check out five of those websites here.

Now, we’ll be able to add a sixth to that list. In May, we previewed PadMatcher, the social networking platform focused on connecting renters, agents and landlords. PadMatcher officially launched this week, and functions as a Match.com for real estate, allowing renters to create profiles listing their apartment preferences. Based on matching criteria, renters and landlords then have the ability to contact each other for potential showings.

Boston-based co-founders  Eric Chauvin and Chris Heller have over 10 years of experience in the real estate industry, and have seen the pain points faced by both renters and agents in the process. Testing the site in beta for the past few months, the duo is now confident that they have a platform that can revolutionize

“We came up with the idea about nine months ago when we saw Craigslist become more and more crowded and complicated for renters to use.  We wanted to come up with something simpler with everything a renter needs in one place,” Heller tells BostInno.

Currently, Padmatcher lists 250 properties with 1,100 active renters registered on the site. PadMatcher also allows renters to find roommates through the site, asking questions about cleanliness and how often they spend time at home.

Now, you have no excuse not to use Craigslist. Let your real estate love-matching begin.

For more on PadMatcher, check out this video below.

Padmatcher Renter & Roommate Apartment Matcher! from Padmatcher on Vimeo.