You don’t have to be from California, some sort of 1970s hippy, or Al Gore to care about the environment.  Being environmentally friendly and saving money are practically synonymous!  It may seem like a daunting task at first, but in the long run these tips can help soften the blow to both the Earth and your bank account.

1.  Get compact fluorescent light bulbs

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These bulbs are typically more expensive than the usual incandescent light bulbs, but they will immediately make your dwelling more efficient and environmentally friendly.  According to Energy Star compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs) use 75% less energy than their incandescent counterparts.  They also last 10 times longer and emit far less mercury in the process of production than other bulbs.  To find out more about this first step to going green check out this fact sheet by Energy Star!

2.  Get a roommate

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You would think having another person in the apartment would mean you’re going to be using more electricity, more water, more gas, and ultimately be paying more for your bills.  According to a 2007 study by University College London, you’d be wrong!  The study showed that single-person households used 55% more electricity than places with more than one occupant as well as consuming more packaging and gas.  Getting a roommate can cut down not only on rent, but your utility bills as well.  So find a friend or two, get a place together, and start saving!

3.  Unplug your electronics

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The dreaded “Phantom Drain.”  This happens when you leave electronics plugged in when they’re not being used.  While still plugged in they are using a certain amount of electricity, meaning if you constantly leave everything plugged in the cost of electricity can add up.  If you’re not a fan of constantly plugging in and unplugging your TV, Microwave, or any other appliance then consider getting a power strip.  They’re relatively cheap and can help cut down on the drain.

4.  Open the windows

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It’s a hot summer day and you’re dying for some relief but you don’t want to spend more money on the AC.  If you just open your windows it will create an air flow that will help cool you down and cut energy costs.  Windows that open at both the top and bottom are ideal for creating good air flow, but windows without this feature work fine as well.  If you have allergies or just don’t think the breeze is doing enough then talk to your landlord about getting more energy efficient air conditioners.

5.  Bundle up

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This goes along with the previous tip.  Seasonal changes usually cause spikes in energy expenditure.  During the winter your heating bill can skyrocket if you’re not careful, but no one likes living in a cold house.  If you turn the heat on a little and wear a sweatshirt around the house you can cut down on costs.  Also investing in a down comforter can help keep you warm while you’re saving all that money.

6.  Don’t let energy expenditures slip your mind

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We’ve all accidentally forgotten to turn off the lights when we leave the house, or maybe you left the oven on for a little once you finished cooking.  These are simple mistakes everyone makes that can add up to cost a lot financially and environmentally.  Leave a note for yourself near the door so you don’t forget to turn off the lights.  If you’re in one room turn off the lights in the other rooms, or if it’s bright enough outside open the blinds and don’t have any lights on at all!  If you keep all these suggestions in mind you’ll soon be making an impact on the environment as well as your savings, and if people can take note of your actions then who knows, you could change the world!…or at least help your friends save some money.