A woman who thought she could board a Red Line train docked on the opposite side of the platform took a spill onto the tracks on Wednesday night, with her child in her arms.

According to the MBTA, an Attleboro mother and her 4-year-old son were sent to the hospital for evaluation after she fell onto the tracks trying to board a train at the MIT/Kendall Red Line Station.

MBTA Spokesman Joe Pesaturo said the incident occurred just before 6 p.m. on Wednesday, on the southbound Red Line platform.

The mother told an MBTA Red Line Inspector that she had seen a train berthed on the northbound platform and believed she could board it from the south bound side, according Pesaturo.

Pesaturo said there were no visible injuries to the woman and her young son, but both of them were taken to Massachusetts General Hospital.

In the video, you can see the mother walk straight off the platform and fall directly on her face, as her son gets caught between her body, and the tracks below. A bystander at the scene hops down off of the platform to the woman’s aide, and picks up her son in his arms and brings him to safety, where other riders watched in shock.