We have all experienced something odd at one time or another while traveling on the T, whether it was an argument with an unruly passenger during our daily morning commute, or having to watch someone clip their nails on a train when we were merely trying to meet up with someone downtown.

Some experiences, however, are more absurd than others, and seem as though they were written specifically for a skit in a popular sitcom.

Take this Reddit user, for example, who nicely asked a fellow rider to turn down their tunes because it was audible in the rest of the packed train car.

“I said, ‘Excuse me, would you mind turning that down a little?’ What followed was a violently unexpected religious rant. She started screaming at me for hating God (apparently she was listening to Christian music, which I didn’t know at the time), and told me I was some sort of Satanist evil-doer trying to suppress her religion,” according to the Red Line passenger.

Following a post about the ordeal (which was a clear violation of the MBTA etiquette rules that we drummed up this summer for passengers to abide by) others began chiming in and sharing their own strange interactions with human beings using the transportation system here in Boston.

Last month, two minors were threatened by a man with a hypodermic needle, who claimed he had AIDS, after they asked him to buy them beer outside of the Forest Hills T stop.

On August 23, hundreds of passengers also had a tale to tell when a man who was caught sleeping on the tracks delayed the evening commute for nearly an hour.

Do you have an unusual MBTA experience?