With the likes of Apple and Samsung, it doesn’t look like there are anymore pieces of the smartphone pie to go around. But RIM is hungry. Research In Motion (RIM), maker of the BlackBerry, are expected to release the BlackBerry 10 Smartphone at RIM’s BlackBerry Jam Americas event next week. Photos of the BlackBerry 10 were leaked and obtained by Italian fan site, BlackBerryItalia. Similarly, the specs for the dwindling telecommunication company’s flagship product were leaked and obtained by website n4bb back in June.

The BlackBerry 10 will feature an L-series smartphone (code-named London) and an N-series smartphone (code-named Nevada). The L-series will boast a 768 x 1280 screen resolution with 356ppi. The screen is expected to be about 55mm wide. The N-series looks to be a bit stouter with a 52mm screen, 720 x 720 resolution, 330ppi, and a QWERTY keyboard. Both lines will contain the usual NFC compliances, and two new apps called FocalPoint and Story Maker.

RIM has been in serious trouble lately. The Canada-based company has reported $518 million in losses in its quarterly earnings call back in June and plans to cut 5,000 out of the company’s 16,500 jobs. The BlackBerry 10 is poised to be the company’s saving grace, but chances of that are slim with the recent unveiling of Apple’s eternally popular smartphone, the iPhone 5, and with Samsung recently announcing plans to upgrade its Galaxy series, the S4, only three months after releasing the S3.

The BlackBerry Jam Americas event is scheduled to kick off on September 25 and last through the 27. Much like how Apple’s iPhone 5 Event at the Yerba Buena Center last week showcased the iPhone 5, new iPad, iPod Touch, and iTunes, RIM is hoping the BlackBerry event will bolster sales and keep the company afloat.

Stay tuned to BostInno for more on the latest leaked photos and specs from RIM and more. But what do you all think? Does the BlackBerry 10 stand a chance against the likes of Apple and Samsung? Which mobile devices do you all prefer and why? Let us know in the comments section below.