It was only two weeks ago that we first wrote about the Kate Middleton topless photos leak. The photos were taken of the Duchess of Cambridge while she and her husband, Prince William, were vacationing in a private villa in Provence, France. Today, Danish gossip magazine Se og Hřr published additional pictures taken during the same vacation that take the entire incident just a little bit further. In these new photos, Kate Middleton is completely bottomless.

The photos appeared in Se og Hřr after the magazine published a week-long series promising to show the Duchess completely nude. Editor Kim Henningsen told the Belfast Telegraph last week, “It’s a set of unique photos from an A-class celebrity. We are a leading gossip magazine in Denmark, and it is my job to publish them. If the British royal family want to sue us, then it will happen then and we’ll deal with it.”

The publication that first published the topless pictures, Closer, has since received an injunction and can no longer print the photos. In fact, three French judges ordered Closer to submit every digital copy within 24 hours or pay Ł8,000 each day the copies are handed over. Closer was also ordered to pay €2,000 towards the Duke and Duchess’s legal costs.

Many describe the judicial ruling as a “hollow victory” because, at the time of the ruling, more than 500,000 copies had already been sold. Also of note is the fact that the injunction is only against Closer and no other magazine that has published the photos, something fellow French magazine Chi and, of course, Se og Hřr have taken full advantage of. Today, American gossip publication Gawker also published the bottomless shots.

The topless photo incident has recalled memories of Princess Diana’s tragic death as she attempted to escape the paparazzi in 1997.

It’ll be interesting to see where the royal family goes with this. As of now, no statements have been made on behalf of Buckingham Palace but perhaps they’re hoping that the less they say, the less virality the pictures will have.