Move over Spotify, there’s a new easy music sharing platform coming to town. Microsoft announced today that the Xbox Music release date is set for October 26. Coincidentally, the tech giant will be releasing its new operating system–Windows 8–on very the same day.

The service was announced back in June as part of a revamping of the company’s music service, including Zune. The idea is to compete with music sharing and streaming services like Spotify and Pandora, which is free. Subsequently, subscriptions like Zune will offer free streaming services supported by ads.

Thanks to Microsoft integrating SkyDrive, music file sharing and storage will be quick and easy in the cloud. Xbox Music will also be supported by Windows Phone, Windows 8, and of course, Xbox 360.

The Verge notes that Microsoft planned to further integrate the new service with iOS and Android devices, but that’s not an immediate priority. Also planned is an Xbox dashboard update to support Xbox Music on its console, though that too isn’t set in stone yet. Noted too by the online tech publication is that Music and Video apps will be updated and readily available “around the same time” of the launch of Xbox Music and Windows 8 on October 26.

A Microsoft spokesperson would not comment on and Xbox music speculation but relayed the following statement,

“We can say is we’re excited for Xbox Music as our definitive music service. It’ll bring great new ways to enjoy, share and discover new music on all your Windows 8 devices, Xbox 360 console and Windows Phone 8. We’ll let you know when we have more information to share.”

Like main rival Sony and its PlayStation consoles, Microsoft is looking to create an all-in-one service to support music, video, and computing.

Here is Microsoft’s advertisement for Xbox Music,

We want to hear from the readers. What do you think of the concept of Xbox Music? Is it worth jumping ship from Spotify and Pandora?  Let us know in the comments section below.