The latest trailer for the highly-anticipated Assassin’s Creed 3 was released by Ubisoft yesterday with the moniker “An Assasin’s Journey.” The trailer highlights the life-story of protagonist Connor Kenway and his rise to becoming an assassin, set in front of an American Revolution backdrop. With striking visuals and honed graphics, Assassin’s Creed 3 is poised to make a big splash in the gaming pool. For Bostonians the game hits close to home as 1776 Boston has an significant role in the setting and storyline. Take a look at the new Assassin’s Creed III trailer below and keep reading for more on the game.

Assassin’s Creed III: An Assassin’s Journey Trailer [VIDEO]

In addition to the (obviously awesome) locales, gameplay was improved dramatically over previous installations. New moves let Connor Kenway perform assassinations from moving platforms, slink into new “stalking zones,” assimilate into the populace by rudely standing between two strangers holding a private conversation, and taking cover in any dark shadow.

Developers gave the combat systems a complete facelift. As a “dual wielding specialist,” almost all of Connor’s moves revolve around him using two weapons at the same time. There are brand new archetypes for enemies, so the old strategies you used in previous Assassin’s Creed games will need to be adjusted. And there is no health regeneration while in combat — Connor must finish his combat engagements before he can regain health.

Finally, city navigation was upgraded greatly. Developers added unique objects, the ability to run on moving surfaces, new scrambling moves to ascend angled surfaces, and the new “pass through,” which allows Connor to cut through windows and interiors to lose pursuers.

As expected, climbing looks gorgeous and fluid. The video is worth watching simply to see Connor’s Native American heritage, his rise to assassinhood, and how he kicks it with George Washington.

As someone who’s never actually played the game and is a closet American history nerd, I’m curious to see what all of you gamers out there think. Will Assassin’s Creed 3 live up to the hype? Can it compete with its predecessors? Let us know what you think.