The month of October saw one vice presidential debate and three presidential debates covering both foreign and domestic policy. A hot topic across all the debates was health care reform and the future of Medicare.  The democratic and republican parties have very different views on the long-term health landscape of the United States. While their views are all well and good, we wanted input from those on the front lines of providing direct patient care – the physicians.

During the course of the debates InCrowd asked physicians to weigh in on topics related to health care reform and candidate selection.

Here’s the tip of the iceberg on what we learned…

  • 39% think Medicare should be privatized for people under 55
  • Specialists are significantly more likely to support privatizing Medicare
  • Education is an important issue impacting MD candidate choice
  • 14% say their ability to provide quality care has improved in last 4 years

You’ll find the the complete stories, detailed data and physician comments in these posts:

Does your doc think Medicare should be privatized – that depends

Are different issues driving physician choice of a presidential candidate?

If the election were today who would your doctor vote for?

Nearly 40% of MDs Surveyed Say Yes to Privatizing Medicare

MDs that watched presidential debate more positive on quality of care than those that didn’t watch

Top 5 reasons quality of health care has changed (or not) – Direct from your physician

Physicians weigh in after first presidential debate