Boston is an expensive city to live in.  Whether you’re worried about paying rent, how to get around town, or just paying for food, things are going to be pricier here than almost anywhere else in the US.  In fact last year Boston was ranked the 8th most expensive city to live in, however things are not as bleak as they may seem, there are easy ways to live in Boston, save money, and still have a great time.  For the recent college graduates and nightlife enthusiasts, here’s how you can save money and still go out on the weekends.

Drink before you go out

This tip is simple but often overlooked.  If you start drinking once you get to the bar you’re going to be paying at least $5 per drink on a normal night, meaning if you have 4 drinks (most likely beers, seeing as cocktails are going to be even more expensive) you’re paying $20, not including the tip.  If you go to your local liquor store you can most likely find a bottle of liquor on sale for $20 which will have approximately 45 shots in it, meaning you can get more than 11 times more alcohol for the same price.  Now, it may not be the most quality liquor, but I’ll address that concern later on.  If liquor isn’t your thing, try reminiscing about your college days and buy a cheap case of beer. So gather some friends, get some cheap alcohol, and start the night early, you’ll be feeling good and enjoying the savings in no time.

Get to the bar before cover starts

Most bars won’t start charging cover until 9 or 10, so if you leave early you can save yourself $5 or $10.  Additionally, once you get to a bar try and stay there.  I know certain bars can be hit or miss some nights, but if you go bar hopping those cover charges will add up to an unnecessary expense.  So plan ahead, agree on a bar you think you and your friends will enjoy and stay there until your heart, or wallet’s, content.

Bring cash

Let’s face it, credit and debit cards are just easier to use, more convenient, and less of a hassle to handle than cash.  Unfortunately all that convenience can cost you a lot more when going out.  Multiple studies have shown that paying in plastic causes people to spend more than they would otherwise.  Not to mention most bars have a minimum amount you have to spend when you use credit and debit cards.  That feeling of taking cash out of your wallet and watching as your money slips away and finds a new home in the bar’s register is enough to convince yourself to slow down on the spending.

Take advantage of deals

This should be a given, but if you see dollar beers, go there.  Great deals like these are few and far between in Boston since happy hours are technically illegal, so take advantage of them when you can.  One great example is Coogan’s, which has Bud Light every day for only $1.  If you’re looking for more quality beer check out the Harpoon Brewery, which has free tours where you can drink as many samples of their beer as you want.  It may not be a night on the town, but I’ll take a free Harpoon IPA any time.

Invest in a Vinturi

Most people have grown out of their taste for cheap alcohol once they leave college, but unfortunately that change in taste hits the wallet pretty hard.  Fortunately there is something you can invest in that will pay dividends in the long-run if you go out frequently.  It’s called a Vinturi and it will be your best friend.  The Vinturi is an aerator that comes in several different models depending on what kind of alcohol you prefer: red wine, white wine, or liquor.  It aerates the alcohol through its filter system and really takes the bite out of any cheap alcohol you purchase.  At about $40 it easily pays for itself in no time and instantly improves the quality of your budget alcohol.

Walk everywhere you can

Obviously if you’re going out and drinking you shouldn’t be driving.  We’ve already told you about a few options to get around the city. You could take the T, but you run the risk of having to end your night early due to the fact that the T stops running between 12:30 and 1 am depending on which line you take.  You could take a cab, but hey, we’re trying to stay on a budget here.  So your best option is to walk, it’s not going to cost you anything and you have the flexibility to come and go whenever you want.  If walking just isn’t feasible then try to get a designated driver to drop you off and pick you up, it’ll keep you safe and save them money on parking.

Keep these tips in mind and you’ll have plenty of extra money left so you can afford that perfect apartment that may have been a little out of your price range.  And of course, drink responsibly!