Being part of a startup is a unique experience that holds a different meaning for each person. Here at InCrowd we’re in the process of bringing to close an amazing year both in terms of company growth and personal growth. We have much to be grateful for and in honor of the Thanksgiving holiday we’ve put pen to paper to share ten things that make us appreciate being part of InCrowd.

Quick disclaimer, we might have taken a few liberties in creating some new ‘ness’ words.

1. Togetherness

“I am thankful for the amazing progress we have made as a company in 2012 and for getting to work with a group of smart, committed and fun individuals who together are making it happen.”     -Janet Kosloff

2. Smallness

“It’s great to still be small enough that you can know most of what goes on, while at the same time knowing that, for any specific need, we have someone with expertise to handle it.”     – Tom Lancaster

3. Uniqueness

“I’m thankful for the chance to build something unique that can assist in research that saves lives.”     -Randy Stanley

4. Disruptive-ness

“I’ve added several new hats to my wardrobe this year and I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to learn new skills, try different things and grow professionally – all while working with some amazing people as we bring a truly disruptive product to the market.     -Kathleen Poulos

5. Different-ness

“I’m thankful for the opportunity to provide a truly unique technology solution; differentiating ourselves from the crowd.”     -Frank Vezzuto

6. Outstanding-ness

“I am grateful that we have been able to build a successful start-up based on assembling an outstanding team of passionate employees, imagining a solution our clients find valuable and useful, and creating a new method to address important business questions.”     -Diane Hayes

7. Creativeness

“Working with such an incredible group of passionate, creative thinkers pushes me to stay on top of my game, and I could not be more grateful for that.”     -Philip Moyer

8. Impactful-ness

“I’m grateful for the opportunity to be a part of something that is truly creating an impact within the biopharmaceutical market intelligence world!”     -Deborah Kim

9. Challenge-ness

“I’m thankful to be part of such a stimulating work environment that both challenges and interests me as I work alongside intelligent and creative people.”     -Nicole Zais

10. Burrito-ness

A common theme emerged as we shared the things we’re grateful for – the love of all things burrito – specifically burritos from Boca Grande.

We’re thankful for…  “the close proximity to a great burrito stand! …the opportunity to work with great burrito eaters …that we all share a love of the burrito …that someone finally took me to this infamous burrito place.”

Seems the burrito has the power to create togetherness for the ‘in’ crowd. Personally, after a team lunch at Boca Grande, I’m grateful that I work remotely from my burrito-filled colleagues.


Startup or established business what are you thankful for as you look back on 2012? Feel free to share your comments below.