Does your knowledge reach obscure heights? Are your smarts unparalleled? Do you have an answer to every question? If you answered “yes” to any of the above, you should join us January 10th for our BostInno Community Meet Up at Game On!, to benefit the Life is good Playmakers.

We will be playing it forward with an evening of baggo, batting cages, and trivia. This is your chance to show off more than the skills you snagged from backyard BBQ’s and Little League. Beyond coming out to support a good cause, you’ll get to show everyone just how brilliant you are with a game of trivia sure to test your wits.

So start rounding up your team of six or less, and brainstorm a name fit for victory. Sports buffs might opt for an NHL team name to commemorate the non-season. Those of you that are up on your current events and pop culture might prefer something along the lines of “The Stylish but Illegal Monkeys” or “The Royal Pregnancy”. “Apocalypse Survivors” has a nice ring to it, if of course we see the light of day on December 22. Even you troublemakers out there can defer to your usual go to: “(Friend name) Sucks”. Not that we’re encouraging it.

All joking aside, we’re super excited to Play It Forward for only $15 and let you in on the fun. 100% of ticket proceeds will go to the Life is good Playmakers, who work with kids to overcome poverty, violence, and illness. Sign up now, tell your friends, and claim your trivia team name now in the comments below.

Interested in being an event partner? Hit us up at