Happy Friday, party people, and a big “thank you” to everyone that came out for last night’s BostInno Community Meet Up, Play It Forward, at Game On! You helped us raise over $2,000 for the Life is good Playmakers, supporting the front-line professionals dedicated to helping  kids overcome poverty, violence, and illness. And you had a blast with baggo, batting cages, and trivia while you were at it.

You tossed, you swung, you conquered. Well maybe “conquered” isn’t the right word, but two top-scoring trivia teams (whose names were not PG and will thus remain anonymous) emerged victorious and took home gift cards to City Table / City Bar and Briar Group’s  the HarpNed Devine’s, the Green BriarM.J. O’Connor’s and Solas. Congrats to you guys, and to Stephanie who won a 4-week session from Ultimate Bootcamp, valued at $250. Some of you even took advantage of a generous offer from our friends from Hailo, the Boston Taxi App, and received a $15 credit by signing up early, with $5 off a ride home given to everyone in attendance.

Check out these photos, tag your friends on Facebook, and give yourself a pat on the back. You may not have successfully sunk a single bean bag, made contact between a bat and ball, or answered a trivia question correctly, but you’re still a winner in my book.