Bettina Hein, co-author of Video Marketing for Dummies and CEO at Pixability, says that people only click on videos for two reasons: to gather information or to be entertained. She also says that the most successful videos do both, which is why humor in video marketing is such an important and popular tool. 

In the article How to Use Humor Effectively for Video Marketing, Bettina writes that humorous videos work because they:

  1. Establish a rapport
  2. Trigger memorability
  3. Create alignment

I’ve rounded up five great (and hilarious) examples of humorous online videos that work especially well for video marketing campaigns. The criteria to make the list was that the videos had to exemplify the above principles, couldn’t be well-known commercials, and could be put into practice by companies of any size.

And now for your viewing pleasure:

#1. – Our Blades Are F***ing Great

In this video, the founder of walks through a warehouse while explaining the benefits of signing up to receive a monthly delivery of razors. This video is a perfect example of how to be informative and funny. It’s filled with one-liners, zingers and the funny truth about razors.

The founder’s likeability and jokes about the shared experience of shaving create an affinity with the brand. Since being posted in March 2012, it has gotten close to 9 million views — not bad for an inbound marketing campaign and a great way to generate brand recognition.


#2. A Special Valentine’s Day Gift…from Cisco!

Cisco’s video promoting the Cisco ASR 9000, the company’s powerful computer network router, proves just how well humorous videos can work for B2B companies. The most brilliant thing about this video is that it’s made using only a simple mix of photos and voice-over narration — an easy and inexpensive formula for any company to replicate. Also, anyone in the industry will get the joke about why 6.4 terabits are a good thing, which helps to create an insider shared experience.

Now imagine sending this video out to your prospects in an email campaign. Don’t you think viewers would remember it? And wouldn’t it give you something fun to talk about during your follow-up conversation? Humorous videos like these can be a great way to get your foot in the door with prospects and potential customers.


#3. New Kinexions by Kinaxis: Ep. 1- Simplicity

In this example, Kinaxis uses a humorous video to personify its product– literally. In the clip, the company’s “simplified” supply chain software is represented by a man’s new, more attractive (and drastically lower maintenance) girlfriend. The concept is simple, but it does a great job of positioning the Kinaxis product as a more attractive choice than the competition in an engaging and succinct way.


#4. Halloween Short

Think you’ve already seen every “Gangnam Style” parody video?  You thought wrong. Tumi, a luxury travel, business and lifestyle accessories company, created their own Psy-inspired marketing video featuring their suitcases. While wishing customers a Happy Halloween, Tumi shows off a few of their products (and dance moves) to the tune of one of last year’s biggest hits. These images are hard to forget (especially since that song has a way of getting stuck on repeat in your head), and it’s a great example of using a popular trend to get your message out to the masses.



#5. If Only They Had Brainshark in 1998

Finally, here at Brainshark we like to take our own medicine (with a spoonful of sugar), so we made what we think is a humorous video of our own. By using PowerPoint and the Brainshark platform, we were able to quickly and cost-effectively add audio and turn it into a funny online video presentation. The video takes a look at a moment in history (in this case, a certain White House scandal) and explores how things might be different if only Brainshark had been used. I think we did a good job of balancing the laughs with what our product does – but you tell us. Did we make you chuckle?



In a crowded marketplace, it’s often hard to make your communications stand out from your competition. Creating a humorous marketing video is a great way to open doors, generate affinity, and leave a lasting impression with your target audience. And that’s nothing to laugh at!

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