You work hard all week. Whether you’re crushing content or are a social media star, there’s no reason why 40+ hours spent generating marketing gold should come to a screeching halt when the clock strikes 5 (or 6, or 7) each Friday evening. It should keep working, even when you aren’t.

Here are a few tips to make the most of content marketing when you’re out of the office.

Schedule Social Activity

Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn don’t check out on Saturday and Sunday. In fact, the weekend is prime time for folks to catch up on things they might have missed earlier in the week on social media. Take advantage of a captive audience by scheduling tweets and posts sharing content created over the course of the week. Free tools like HootSuite and TweetDeck make managing multiple social accounts a breeze.

Create a Weekend Edition of Your Newsletter

I know. Some people spend the entire work week trying–and failing–to stay on top of  their inbox. Why pile onto the problem? Because some people like to wake up to an email full of interesting content, tailored to their interests, to digest with their Saturday brunch. Though it might take a bit of time to organically grow a list of subscribers–of only individuals that voluntarily opt in–it’s worth the trouble to make sure loyal members of your audience don’t miss out.

Give Guests the Limelight

Have an awesome customer story to share? A guest post that slightly strays from your usual messaging, but is too good to let go? Quieter days are a perfect time to bring third parties into the conversation and test the waters.

Engagement is key to any solid marketing strategy, so don’t go on autopilot for too long!