We’re a day away from the Samsung Galaxy S4 release date event taking place tomorrow March 14. And sure enough, there are a few new nuggets on Galaxy S4 specs being reported today. The biggest is from Bloomberg, which reports that the U.S. version of the Galaxy S4 will not include an eight core processor but instead will use Qualcomm’s quad-core. Bloomberg is also reporting that the device will not include eye scrolling, contrary to previous reports.

Check out photos of the Samsung Galaxy S4, reportedly leaked from a Chinese forum, below:

Bloomberg also reports that the S4 will have a 5 inch screen and a 13-megapixel camera.

Via TechCrunch, a video of the phone in use in China has apparently leaked:

I wrote earlier this week about rumblings that the S4 could potentially signal the end of Apple’s dominance in the premium smartphone market. The Bloomberg piece picks up on this as well:

The timing of the S4’s arrival could spell trouble for Apple, which probably won’t have a new phone out until mid-year at the earliest, said Park Hyun, an analyst at Tong Yang Securities in Seoul. Apple’s sales growth last quarter was the slowest in more than two years, a sign the iPhone is losing its edge over other smartphones.

But just in case you think Samsung is the new Apple, consider this argument at Quartz, that even premium hardware is at this point so commoditized and crowded to offer serious margins. The piece argues that the real value may increasingly be in the app ecosystems instead of the hardware. Following that logic, one of the big winners should Samsung continue to succeed would be Google, given that it controls the Android ecosystem.

We’ll be covering tomorrow’s release event in real time, so check back in here tomorrow for live coverage.