Whether you’re a brand new freshman stepping onto campus for the first time, or a seasoned senior ready to start your last year, check out these tips and tricks to make the most of your college time!

1. Don’t buy your books at the bookstore

Instead, look up what books you’ll need on your bookstore website and get them for a discounted price off websites like Chegg.  Just make sure you get the right edition!  

2. Go to office hours and get to know your professors  

This is an easy way to show your professors you’re invested and interested in their class.  You never know what tips they might offer you, and they’ll be more willing to help you out later if you do poorly on a test or paper.

3. Get creative with your small dorm space

Just because you’re sharing a room the size of a closet doesn’t mean you have to throw out half your stuff.  Use tricks like stackable drawers under your bed or placing a cutting board on a pull out drawer to save space from the bedroom to the kitchen. 

4. Keep your door open when you’re in your room  


Even better, keep a bowl of candy by the door, too.  This is an easy way to get people to stop by so you can connect with your hall mates and meet new people. 

5. Buy a cheap tool kit from Walmart or Target

You never know when you or a friend will need a quick fixit or want to mount a new picture frame. 

6. Eat healthy even on a budget 

That quick pizza or Wendy’s burger can be tempting as a college student.  Don’t fall into the carb-loaded dorm food traps.  There are plenty of cheap foods you can stock up on to stay healthy.  Try grabbing oatmeal, yogurt, salad, eggs and other easy foods on your next grocery visit.

7. Use your school’s gym

Along with eating healthy, you can help yourself stay fit and relieve stress by using the gym.  Give yourself a study break and run a mile or hit the weights.  And since it’s free, you’ll have no excuse not to go.

8. Bring shower flip flops if you share a communal bathroom

Many schools have one bathroom per floor and the showers can get gross.  Save your feet from coming out even dirtier than they went in by having a pair of flip flops you use just for showering.

9. Ask professors in your major if you can help them with research projects


Many professors have ongoing research projects they are working on and love student involvement.  This is a great way to help build your resume and gain experience in a field you’re interested in.

10. Find a professor you like and stay connected 

Build a strong relationship through email, office hours and any other ways you can think of.  Make sure they get to know you and your interests.  They will be a great resource in the future if you ever need a reference or recommendation.  

11. Go to all the club/student org events at the beginning of the year  

Not only is this a great way to find a new hobby or make new friends, but they almost always offer free food. Who doesn’t want to get free meals? 

12. Make at least one friend in every class at the beginning of the year  

Preferably, it should be someone who works hard and has an interest in the subject.  If you miss a class, you can get notes from them as well as study with them before tests and have someone reliable to work with on group projects.

13. Use apps like SelfControl to block social media sites 

Help yourself focus before a big test or while you write a paper by using tools that take away your ability to jump over to Facebook every two minutes and get distracted. However, it’s also important to remember to give yourself small breaks while you work to help keep your brain alert and focused. 

14. Place a damp towel over your AC on extra hot days 

This will help to keep your room extra cool. Got a bad odor pervading your room? Replace the towel with a dryer sheet for a fresh smell. 

15. Don’t slack off in your easier intro classes

It’s easy to think you don’t need to show up to these or to just do the bare minimum. Instead, use them as a way to boost your GPA now so you have some leeway later when you get into harder, upper-level courses.  

To make sure you start the year off right, keep these tips in mind and be sure to check out SIN Welcome Week events and look out for the SIN team on campus. We’ll be handing out gift bags all week!

-Hannah F. 

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