In today’s technical world, resumes are slowly going out of style. Instead of relying solely on a paper resume and cover letter to show off all of your amazing talents, many employers in all fields are turning to the internet. 

LinkedIn is steadily becoming one of the most popular job searching tools on the web. Through the site you can network, stay in touch with old employers and colleagues, and search for a brand new job. With millions of people utilizing LinkedIn, it can be difficult to have your profile stand out to employers. 

Take these simple steps to make your LinkedIn Profile be the best online representation of you:

-Use a professional photo:
This may seem like a relatively simple concept. However, numerous LinkedIn profiles display a picture of somebody with friends, on vacation, or with a drink in hand. Avoid these faux pas and get a professional headshot. Not only can that photo be used for your online profile, it can also be utilized in printed resumes so that employers remember your face to your name. 

-Focus on your Professional Summary:
Don’t just skip through this part of the profile. This is the opportunity to highlight your experience. It is often the first things that employers will see on your profile so make it count. In this section, it is best to select what industry you are interested in, because employers will search based off industry. The headline is also in this section and that is the top part of your profile, the first thing that guests to your profile will see. 

-Keywords and Skills:
Proficient in another language? Know your way around Adobe Pro? Able to write short hand or have a stellar typing speed? Indicate all of these skills in this section. Be precise and concise so that employers can quickly glance over this section and still get a sense of your skills and expertise. 

If you write for a blog or have done anything in your previous jobs that can be shown online, be sure to mark that in this section of your profile. Links can demonstrate previous work to employers and give them an opportunity to build a holistic view of you before you even interview. 

-Go Public! :
All this time and work on your profile will be for null if you don’t make your profile public. Customize the public profile URL so that employers can easily find you. An example would be You can also create a unique LinkedIn signature that can be added to the bottom of all of your emails in order to increase the visibility of your profile.

Grow Your Network:
Connecting with other members is crucial. More connections equals more opportunities which in turn creates even more connections. Employers will not only look at your achievements but also the achievements of those who you have connected with.  

Now that your LinkedIn profile is up to tip-top shape, enjoy the job hunt!

– Chelsea L. 

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