Between your academic and social calendars, getting swept away in the madness can be easy. There are only 168 hours in a week; here are some simple tips to help you manage your time effectively each and every semester.

1. Use a calendar (and write EVERYTHING down!)
Google makes this simple! Sync it to your phone, have a written calendar, do whatever helps keep you task oriented and on track with your social and academic scheduling. Be sure to budget time for travel, rest, etc…


2. Schedule personal time (and reward yourself for hard work)
You need time to socialize, relax, complete errands, etc… Keep that in mind as you budget your time and always remember to reward yourself for hard work. Incentives don’t always have to come from a third party… 


3. Complete assignments on time (and save your work!)
Nothing is much worse that finishing an assignment and losing it because you forget to save it. Completing your work on time will improve your GPA and allow you to effectively manage upcoming tasks.


4. Be flexible (and prepare for the unexpected)
Sometimes shit happens… Make sure that you are able to be flexible and ‘prepare for the unexpected,’ as they say.  Allow time in your schedule to make up for mishaps or the occasional last minute event.


5. Balance your course load
 Don’t be too ambitious and take 21 credits. Make sure your course load is manageable and don’t be afraid to ask your advisor(s) for help. It also makes sense to block your courses together when scheduling them each semester.


6. Learn how to maintain focus
 Staying focused on your tasks at hand will allow you to better conceptualize information and stay efficient in your studies. In the age of social media and awesome distractions, this might prove to be trying to many. 



7. Plan ahead (your calendar makes that simpe!)
 Evaluate upcoming assignments, exam prep, social engagements, and the like to ensure that you have time to complete everything on time while maintaining a certain standard. If you have to shuffle something around or complete a task in advance, you’ll know.



8. Evaluate your priorities
 Your weekly kickball game might have to be put aside if your studying for an important exam or preparing for a group presentation. Social outings are fun; but never forget that your paying for your education!


9. Don’t skip class!
 Skipping class can literally cost you hundreds of dollars (READ) and you will have to figure out how to get caught up on whatever lecture or information you missed. Additionally, many professors deduct points for absentee students.


10. Try various systems of studying
 Efficiency reigns supreme. Try different tactics for studying, breaking up your workload, and managing your time. Who knows, maybe you’ve been doing it wrong all your life?

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