Plenty of recent articles have focused on a growing trend: millennials pursuing entrepreneurship in record numbers.  The most recent that I read was from 1776’s Jenna Sauber (here). She noted [accurately} that there is an astounding 11% unemployment rate for 18 to 29-year-olds and that 29% of entrepreneurs are between the ages of 20 and 34. With a “tough” job market and an increasingly competitive workforce, the idea of entrepreneurship is seemingly the only answer for graduates that don’t want to find themselves in either the underemployed or unemployed category living on mom and pop’s sofa until the age of 30 creeps up out of nowhere.

Why the clear choice? Are we filling market gaps? Are we creating efficient, effective solutions? Are we creating new jobs? Are we collectively advancing technology, society, and the global good? Are we rejecting the idea of the 9-5? Are we inciting positive change? I think the answer to each of the above is… YES!   

The choice is clear for those with the drive to take the risk and start a company. Millennials (and anyone, really) finally have affordable access to resources that enable innovation to be explored, for mistakes to evolve into solutions, for passion to drive success, and for a career to be created around a collective idea or interest.

In many cases, even those without the “entrepreneurial bone” are still inclined to get involved with a startup or tech company at the ground floor with the opportunity to earn equity interest, gain real-world work experience, and challenge themselves while maintaining a focus on something they can truly care about.

In my mind, this is the American dream. 

Stay posted with Student Intern Network for info on upcoming networking events, job & internship opportunities with local startups, resources for collegiate entrepreneurs and more. We would love to hear your feedback and personal story. Tweet us @sindc or email

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