This may seem like old news to some of you—but I’ve been
cooped up in my room with a nasty cold, so my brain is naturally still stuck on
Quin Woodward Pu, from last week’s Gawker post. Let’s give her another five
seconds of infamy.

His text. 

I’m talking about the DC bag/cat/apartment and two books
lady, folks. Miss Pu (ha) lost her shit last week when this guy she’d been on a
couple of dates with sent her a text saying that he wasn’t really looking for a
relationship. Let me give you some context: dates were had, texts were
exchanged of a sexy nature, and long story short, she invited him to her
birthday party. The gentleman in question then sent her a text saying something
along the lines of: “You seem alright, but you have some crazy in your eyes and
I’d prefer to not be on lockdown for coming to your birthday party, so I’m
gonna bow out. But good luck.”

To which she responded by unleashing the wrath of god. She proceeded
to put him on blast in her blog, and then send the aforementioned “sexts” to
his bosses. Yeah. That happened.

In her disdain-dripping, self-righteous, high-and-mighty,
and vitriol fueled rejoinder, Miss Pu (never gets old) touched on her apartment,
her two books, this man’s shortcomings as a father, and how she’s an adult who
is not weighed down by emotional problems.

Her text.

Way to go, Pu. You really proved him wrong. The tirade you
just launched on this man is definitely not something stemming from emotional
instability, but rather a well thought out and gracious response to someone who
is simply trying to not lead you on. You have no anger problems. In fact, I’m
sure you were working on the feng shui of your very own apartment (that you
undoubtedly purchased with the proceeds from your two self published books!) at the time you
sent this text.

But the coup de grâce is really the fact that she sent a
private conversation to this man’s bosses. Now, he may not be par-excellence in
the romance and manners department, but what this has to do with this man’s
profession is really beyond me. Why she would ever cross that line is just a
question for Mephisto (not the shoe retailer). 

In her “feminist” tirade against this man’s perceived
mistake, she managed to prove only one thing: that he was right all along. Here’s
some (unsolicited) advice: take a chill pill, put on your big girl panties, and
stop throwing fits when something doesn’t go your way. This guy could have
probably told her in person. Maybe he could have worded it better, even. But I’m
not sure how much of a difference that would have made seeing as she was ready
to pull the trigger at anything short of “Anything you say, dear.” 

PS: I really had to fight the urge to call this article “Pu lost her Poo”…heh.

 – Helena B.  

More From Helena:
The Unofficial Guide to Being a Man, From a Woman 
Clearing Up the Blurred Lines

America The Beautiful: A Response to the Ignorant Backlash in the Miss America Pageant