happens to all of us. Every. Damn. Day. Whether you’re actively avoiding paying
attention in class or putting off doing your homework, you’ll be scrolling
through your Facebook feed and you’ll see the post that makes you cringe after
reading. You’ll see the post that makes you realize you’re never going to get those
10-15 seconds of your life back. You’ve seen it before, and chances are you’ll
see it again my friends.

I now
present this week’s Grinds my Gears: Annoying Facebook Posts Edition.


 (Photo courtesy of

start off with those wretched workout posts. If you’re taking the time to go to
the gym and stay fit, good for you, I’m happy for you, truly. Just don’t post
about it and then make me feel like a worthless piece of garbage when I read
your post while I’m polishing off a bag of chips watching Netflix wasting away
my afternoon and/or night.

top of this, if you’re taking pictures of your body after workouts for your own
personal knowledge of the work you’ve put in, this is also acceptable. You not
only cross, but leap over the line when you get the horrendous idea to actually
post it on Facebook. It makes guys look like douchebags and girls look like floozy two-bit whores. Yes, this goes for you too, ladies!


attention whores, you’re up next. Everybody has those friends that need go out
of their way to let you know every little thing that’s going on in their lives,
good or bad. Oh you got a new job? Please type in all caps talking about how
excited you are. Oh, you got a C on a test and are all depressed and think you’re
going to fail out of school? Get real. Oh, you’re boyfriend was mean to you and
didn’t give you every bit of attention he physically has? Get over it.

get that you want to show how happy you are and want people to celebrate with
you. Just don’t go out of your way to make us feel bad for and pity you.


duck face pictures. Just stop. For the love of God, stop. Please and thank you.
