As I read the news this morning, NYTimes informed me that the
United States had added 148,000 jobs in September, dropping unemployment
down to 7.2%. This afternoon, POLITICO told me that the White House
estimated that the government shutdown will “subtract” from job growth,
120,000 fewer jobs through Oct. 12 because of the effects of the
shutdown. Eh…conflicting at the very least, but also not accurate for young professionals.


In April, unemployment among workers under the age of 25 was at 16.1 percent, more than double the national rate.  A survey by staffing firm Adecco reported that about 58 percent of
500 hiring managers across the country are not hiring new
graduates. Those who were hiring reported only one or two open positions. College graduates are increasingly settling for jobs
that do not require a degree, a trend economists refer to as cyclical
downgrading. A 2012 EPI study found that 52 percent of employed college graduates
under the age of 24 were working in jobs that did not require a degree.

The fact is that many 2013 graduates can’t get a job, so they’re applying to grad school to escape the inevitable joblessness. Wrong–try again. Unless your folks are loaded and willing to pay for your education, you’re going to have to take out loans. Loans that you’ll eventually have to pay back while being unemployed or underemployed. The most fearful statistic, to me, is the unsettling truth that your first job is in large part determinative of your future salary trajectory and your earning potential. This generation is, in essence, setting itself up for failure.


At the gym the other day, I overheard a guy say that
he’d just given up on applying to jobs in the DC area altogether. I
have friends who, at 25, are moving back in with their parents. The
truth of the matter is that for many students who have graduated with
master’s or higher degrees in the past two years, getting their ideal
job is out of the question. Getting their second or fifth option is out
of the question. Waiting tables becomes their “reach” job. I’m talking
about lawyers who bartend. PhD candidates who have literally no idea
what they will do once their program is over.


Getting a job today is hard. People who are in the system–who have
their foot in the door–are less likely to move or quit because of the
unstable nature of the economy. The longer you’re unemployed, the harder
it becomes to secure employment. The harder you try to get employed,
the sooner you become discouraged and realize one important factor that
nobody will tell you: applying online is the same as not applying at
all. Most companies already have a person in mind for the position once
it’s posted online. Most hiring in small NGOs and government is
internal. When it isn’t, they count on campus recruiting or employee
referrals to fill in the spot. And even if what I have described above is not the case, I can assure you there’s a stack of hundreds of resumes on the HR desk–the chances of yours getting picked out are slim, friend. In short, if you don’t know someone,
you’re SOL.

The Roast Chicken is my favorite.  

After spending a month applying to jobs online through job posting
sites, etc., and applying to a grand total of 89 jobs, I heard back
from about 7 of them. All of them were from USAjobs, and it was to tell
me that 90 days had passed since my application. That’s fancy talk for
“We’ve already hired someone. Get lost.” I would love to tell you to
keep your chin up, because you will find something. But I’ve been
telling myself that same thing since I graduated. In May. From a top
twenty law school. And, in case you were wondering, I’m still jobless.
So, if you have a job, hang on tight and thank those lucky stars. If you
don’t, stock up on Maruchan Yakisoba noodles–they were on sale for 88
cents at Safeway last week.

– Helena B.

Also Read:
Top 10 Careers for College Grads 
20/20 Hindsight: 10 Things I Wish I Knew in College

The Unofficial Guide to Being a Man, From a Woman 
Clearing Up the Blurred Lines
Dear Crazy Break Up Text Girl