LinkedIn can be used as a great resource for students and recent grads to stand out to, and simply reach potential employers. There are a number of things you can do as a user to make LinkedIn work for you.

I’m on Twitter, feedback encouraged! 

@ZackHuhn @SINevents 

Take notes and step up your LinkedIn game: 


1. Get noticed! 

Make the first words in your profile engaging, update your profile picture, allow users to view your profile in your settings, and make sure that your URL is your name.

2. Add media! 

Beef up your profile by including videos, images and presentations that highlight your skills and work experience.

3. Keep it fresh! 

Think of your profile as a live streaming resume. Constantly update your completed projects, skills, work experience, volunteer efforts, and LinkedIn groups.

4. Make strategic connections! 

Follow thought leaders, connect with friends and associates. Be sure to follow interesting employers that are on your ‘wish list’.

5. Remain active! 

Start conversations with connections, comment on company updates, and interact with groups or posts to stay active and boost your presence.

6. Get endorsed! 

Make sure to add all of your relevant skills so others have the opportunity to validate it publicly. Try endorsing your connections to get your profile endorsements rolling.  Also make an effort to get recommended.

Stay current, interesting, and accessible to connect with professionals and potential employers. Make LinkedIn work for you…

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Career Hacks: Advice from Warren Buffet
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