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A college degree isn’t enough to get a great job, these days. You have to build and nurture a strong professional network to create opportunities such as internships, fellowships, project based gigs or even research opportunities to gain ample experience and prove your value. We put together a “cheat sheet” for the incoming freshman class. Take a look, weigh in with any thoughts and get ready for an awesome first semester!

Remember, one of the biggest benefits of living on campus is the ability to directly network with so many peers, professionals and professors!

Networking with fellow students

1. Get to know your neighbors on and off campus. Share your interests and skills, you never know what connection may come!

2. When assigned group projects, try to meet new classmates instead of inviting friends to join your group.

3. Stay actively involved in campus life. Get familiar with philanthropic or academic groups, athletics, Greek life or student life opportunities.

4. Make it a point to eat meals with new acquaintances or students with similar interests.

5. Be sure to actively engage students with your same major or shared classes. You never know when you’ll need help on a project, or even finding an internship!

6. Don’t be scared to show up at an event alone; or better yet, invite a classmate or fellow group member. Social networks make it easy to make simple connections on campus before you arrive!

Networking with professors, mentors & professionals

1. Take the time to build a personal relationship with your professors by engaging in class, during office hours and with relevant on campus activities. Don’t be squared to ask questions or challenge ideas.

2. Take advantage of internship and fellowship programs in one or more of your desired career fields

3. Get organized! Figure out an effective personal file system and stick do it.

4. Follow up with key contacts with a hand-written note! The personal touch goes a long way.

5. Don’t let connections go stale. Follow up with a friendly note, questions or idea regarding a previous conversation.

6. Network with alumni, utilize the university career services center and enroll in open mentorship programs

Bonus hacks

1. Have nice business cards made with links to a professional account, direct email address and current phone number.

2. Be sure to have a professional Twitter account, an updated LinkedIn profile, and look into alternative resumes such as graphics or videos. Don’t be another resume in the huge pile on a recruiters desk – stand out to employers and look professional when they follow up.

3. Ask questions, offer to do favors, and be willing to link connections with similar goals or interests.

**Interested in submitting a guest blog post about your experience with internships, college admissions, or forthcoming concerns? Email! Let’s connect on Twitter @SINevents