Boston has dived headfirst into the public arts pool under the tutelage of Mayor Marty Walsh and now the ONEin3 Council wants to get wet too. On Saturday, ONEin3 will be asking Copley Square passersby to finish this sentence: “We are Boston. Boston is____.”

Bostonians will scribble their answers on an IdeaPaint surface while ONEin3 photographs and video records them. The answers will be subsequently erased for the next person to submit their response.

The final product will be a time-lapse video that illustrates the diversity of participants as well as capture peoples’ sentiments of the city.

“Our goal is to capture Boston’s sprit in a fun and visually-appealing way,” said ONEin3 Boston Manager Chloe Ryan in a statement. “This project combines people’s enthusiasm for Boston with their passion for public art.”

YouthBuild Boston members will be on the scene, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. encouraging the people in Copley Square to write down their thoughts.

“We are extremely excited about the way in which the Mayor’s ONEin3 Council is going to activate the community of Boston and curate feedback through a public art piece,” added Jeff Avallon, VP of Corporate Development, IdeaPaint.  “IdeaPaint is all about collaboration and this is a perfect example of the city coming together in a fun way to celebrate what Boston is all about.”

Can’t make it down to Copley on Saturday? Go ahead and finish the sentence in the comments section below.

Image via Marcio Jose Bastos Silva/Shutterstock