I just moved apartments so it’s still fresh in my mind just how hellish an experience it truly is. Dragging heavy, bulky boxes of junk in and out of humid living spaces is right up there with Congress as the worst things we all have to endure. A new local startup, mature beyond its name, is willing to pony up for $2,000 worth of moving expenses if you can simply explain to them why you deserve it.

Society of Grownups, which is currently setting up shop in Brookline, is dedicated to helping recent college grads and young adults (or really, anyone who’s willing to learn) run the gamut on learning real-world issues, more so of the financial variety, including negotiating salary, saving for a family, starting a small business and, of course, seamlessly moving from one residence to the next.

Though a Society of Grownups spokesperson told BostInno in an email that they “will be ready to share our story soon,” some background on the new life lesson service is available on its website.

“MassMutual decided to put their proverbial money where their mouth was,” it reads, in part. “They put their financial know-how and over 160 years of experience to work on a bold new experiment. A new kind of learning initiative. They gave us a name, the Society of Grownups, and a mission.”

So now that we’ve all exchanged pleasantries and you know a little bit more about what Society of Grownups, let’s get into the details about the Grownup Moves contest.

Simply follow the Society of Grownups Twitter handle, @societygrownups, and tweet at them why you’re deserving of the generous moving subsidy using the hashtag #grownupmoves. The monetary figure is based off of six-hours of moving service with three moving professionals. Should your moving price tag go above that figure, though, you’ll be liable to pay the difference.

In a very mature and sophisticated fashion, Society of Grownups personnel will judge the top three participants’ stories on “how creative (30%), original (20%) and compelling (50%)” they are.

From Society of Grownups:

Now for the rules. Only one person can submit an entry and it has to be via Twitter using the handle and hashtag aforementioned. Also you’re personal Twitter handle has to be visible to the public, sorry digital introverts.

Entrants must also be a resident of the great Commonwealth of Massachusetts; be 22-years of age or older; reside in either Boston, Brookline, Cambridge or Somerville and be moving to another one of those cities; and be moving over the weekend of August 30 to September 1.

If you plan on entering, I encourage you to read the fine print. While yes, it’s mandatory that you live and be moving to one of those cities, there are some internal exemptions to the rule.

For example, 2 Avery Street (“The Ritz, South Tower”) will never allow trucks with a height of more than 12-feet, 6-inches so that poses difficulties on everybody’s end.

Submissions close on August 8 so be sure to come up with your best reason for needing Society for Grownup’s help by next Friday.

Be sure to stay tuned to BostInno for more information on Society of Grownups. They’ll be making waves in and around the city, and coming to the aid of people much like ourselves imminently.

Added Society of Grownup’s spokesperson in an email, “We will offer real-world advice, entertaining events, a diverse curriculum that caters to a range of mindsets and a community that listens, supports and guides… all without judgment. We promise!”

Image via Society of Grownups Facebook