“A Day in the Life” is a series where we’ll profile a variety of residents to get an intimate glimpse into their day-to-day. These are your neighbors. Get to know them.

It’s no secret that Boston can be a difficult place to meet friends, mentors and even that special someone. That’s where Carolyn Kim, co-founder of The Good Ones and professional networker, steps in.

The Good Ones co-founders, Carolyn Kim and Jennifer Brooke, curate social events in the Boston-area with the purpose of connecting the best and brightest in the Hub. Kim tells BostInno that her favorite thing about Boston is the people, “a blend of intellectual, international, interesting and interested folks to know and love,” she adds.

Each event hosted by The Good Ones works towards building a community with Boston’s highest-impact folks while also raising awareness for a cause such as CapeAnnFreshCatch.org and VitaminAngels.org.

Here, Kim tells BostInno about her day-to-day life as an entrepreneur and community builder.

How do you spend most mornings?

Every morning I wake to my Sonos speakers jamming “Big City Life Radio” station (via Pandora Radio). I’m one of those insanely energetic and chipper morning people, and whenever music starts bumping, I just have to dance. In lieu of coffee, I grab a Motto from the fridge and enjoy a dance party for 30 minutes in my kitchen … solo.

What are the top priorities on your to-do list right now?

  • Continuing to find and meet every amazing person who lives in Boston.
  • Making sure I squeeze in ample “me” time by getting over to yoga three to five times a week. Through the fortune of great friends, I recently discovered South Boston Yoga and it has completely changed my life.
  • Taking The Good Ones to the next level with our customized corporate parties, and engagement events that enhance workplace culture.

What is the best part and the worst part about your day?

Mornings are the best. We get a nice fresh start and a clean slate to set the tone for the day. The worst part of each day is when I run around, get hangry, and have no healthy snacks on hand. Hangry Carolyn could also be the worst part of your day!

Why did you decide to launch The Good Ones in Boston?

True story. My dearest friend since 8th grade (now business partner) and I were doing faux yoga about four years ago, whilst watching the infamous Patti Stanger (on TV) dedicate her life to making love matches and asked aloud: “Why doesn’t something like this exist in Boston? And not just for millionaires in L.A., seeking love. What about all the good ones, who are seeking friendship, business partners, mentors, investors, and love?”

Then, as we started discussing what we were working on, we were somehow discovered by former UrbanDaddy Boston Editor Dan McCarthy (now editor-in-chief of Dig Boston), and within the four hours of him digitally launching TheGoodOnes.co, we had over 800 Bostonians filling out our eight-minute survey to receive invites. It was then that we knew we might have something. Something big.

If you could impart one piece of advice to our readers, what would it be?

Think about how much technology you are allowing into your life. Keep balance in mind and remember that not everything lives in our phones and laptops.

What would you do if you were suddenly granted a day off from work tomorrow?

Loaded question. As an entrepreneur on a social mission, it’s hard to really take a “day off.”  If I were to grant myself a day off and freeze time for 24 hours, where would I go? I think I’d pop in here or here real quick.

If you weren’t answering my questions, what would you be doing instead?

I’d be writing that proposal that would get me closer to question number two, answer three.

Photo Credit: Heloisa Fitzgerald