While it may be the end of the work week, finding yourself in a less than happy mood happens to the best of us. From unpleasant meetings to traffic and obligations, developing a cranky attitude is part of life.

However, even though bad days are inevitable, there is a certain something that can boost you mood and provide longterm health benefits — exercise.

Sure, moving your body and eating healthy is an obvious choice, but new studies prove that staying active can treat more than just your ticker. When you work out, endorphins are released throughout the body. That sweaty, sore discomfort is simply a side effect of your body being challenged and your brain boosting.

According to a study from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), both strength training and aerobic-based exercise showed improvements in the moods of individual. Their study was conducted on older adults and as the NCBI states, “The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of aerobic and strength-based training programs on functional fitness and mood in older adults, and to assess the relationship between adiposity and mood states.”

So there you have it — feeling cranky? Hit the gym. Who knew curing the blues was that simple — and of course, science-based.

Infographic via Happify & Image via Shutterstock