The day I’m too old for drinking games … sorry I just teared up typing those eight fateful words. Lewd and crude card games are all the rage for those who enjoy several alcoholic beverages and have graduated from playing the likes of ‘kings’ or beer pong. Your mind might instantly jump to Cards Against Humanity. There’s a fresh take on these kinds of indecent games courtesy of Cambridge’s Creepy Doll, LLC.

It’s called F**ktionary.

Creator Vansanth Sarathy told me in an email that F**ktionary is “the demon child of Balderdash and Urban Dictionary.” Take that for what it’s worth.

The game is simple. One player draws a card that has a completely inappropriate word or phrase and accompanying definition. That person, referred to in the ridiculous video above as the f**ker, then recites the word of phrase to at least three other players, all of whom are encouraged to have a mind as dirty as your own.

The players then try and come up with the correct, albeit obscene, definition and each writes their own on a card. The f**ker then scribes the definition in their own twisted fashion at which point the other players take a guess at which one is correct. After everyone has a chance to be the f**ker, a round is completed.

I realize that I billed F**ktionary as a drinking game but keep in mind you can play this while stone-cold sober. I would personally recommend a few libations if possible, though, if nothing else to lubricate the minds of your fellow players and keep them from realizing how disgusting your mind truly is.

According to the F**ktionary website, gamers can also “remix the game noncommercially, as long as you credit us and license any new creations under identical terms,” which means you can tailor the words and definitions to fit your own vile and salacious desires.

If F**ktionary tickles your fancy, you can purchase it on Amazon right now for $25.