Image via Shutterstock/ Derek Hatfield

Welcome to election day, Boston. If you haven’t noticed, whether throughout the streets of Boston’s neighborhoods or on social media, the Commonwealth is in full-fledged voter mode to not only elect a new Governor of Massachusetts, but a U.S. Senator and four ballot questions with major implications on all of our daily lives. So if you haven’t cast a ballot yet, and are unsure where to vote, we’ve got you covered.

There are a number of tools out there in the world wide web to help you locate your polling station. Mine happened to be right around the corner from my apartment building, but it’s not quite this convenient for everybody.

Knowing full well this is the case, the Secretary of Massachusetts website simply asks that you plug in your name, address and zip code whereupon it’ll let you know where to vote.

But, if you’re feeling a bit crass, cranky, edgy or downright silly, check out Were’s My F*cking Polling Place which provides the exact same information only in the kind of manner the site’s name suggests.

Polls opened at 7 a.m. this morning and will close at 8 p.m. at which point we’ll be providing updates as they roll in. Remember, the worst thing you could do today is not vote. For a quick refresher on the four ballot questions, check out our primer here.