If you happened to poke around on Twitter Thursday morning, there’s a very likely chance you a caught mention or a photo that F-15 fighter jets flew over Boston. According to the Boston Herald, five of these aircrafts cruised over the city, soaring at 1,000-feet above the ground.

Boston.com reports that the flyover was a dual training mission and promotional effort, beginning at approximately 8:10 a.m. “at Hanscom Air Force Base, Salem, Boston, Fenway Park, Norwood, Gillette Stadium, Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard ending at about 8:45 a.m.”

The Boston twittersphere erupted as if fighter jet flyovers were some novelty act, one of those rare experiences worth being late to work or school for. Me? I don’t particularly care for it. For anyone whose ever been to a sporting event, ceremony or performance, these are pretty common. Hell, I witnessed a flyover at a Boston College football game once and they weren’t even having that good of a season.

But I digress; to each their own. If nothing else, it’s not a bad way to kick off a Thursday morning. Here’s how Boston reacted to Thursday morning’s flyover:

Featured image via Creative Commons/ stuart.mike (CC BY 2.0)